Software Developer

My Projects

  1. User Interface, Full Stack Developer - React | Node | GitHub
    1. Used JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to create a website that implemented a CSS reset, box model, and flexbox module
    2. Designed and executed a wireframe to create About, Project, and Contact Pages
    3. Used Vercel to host the completed website ensuring easy accessibility
  2. Responsive Design, Full Stack Developer - React | Node| Vercel
    1. Created a Single Page Application with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to showcase responsive design elements
    2. Implemented responsive layouts by using media queries to improve accessibility
    3. Used scalable units for font size which increased accessibility
  3. JSON Web Tokens, Full Stack Developer - React| Node| Github
    1. Used Node.js, Express, and Knex to build an API with authentication and authorization using JSON Web Tokens
    2. Utilized database access and middleware functions to access an API