
Node DB4 Module Project


Task 1: Project Setup and Submission

Your assignment page on Canvas should contain instructions for submitting this project. If you are still unsure, reach out to School Staff.

Task 2: Minimum Viable Product

Design the data model for a recipe book application and use Knex migrations and seeding functionality to build a SQLite database based on the model and seed it with test data. Then, build an endpoint to fetch a recipe by its id.

The requirements for the system as stated by the client are:

Data Model

After brainstorming with the team it is suggested that a JSON representation of a recipe could look like the following:

  "recipe_id" : 1,
  "recipe_name": "Spaghetti Bolognese",
  "created_at": "2021-01-01 08:23:19.120",
  "steps": [
      "step_id": 11,
      "step_number": 1,
      "step_instructions": "Put a large saucepan on a medium heat",
      "ingredients": []
      "step_id": 12,
      "step_number": 2,
      "step_instructions": "Add 1 tbsp olive oil",
      "ingredients": [
        { "ingredient_id": 27, "ingredient_name": "olive oil", "quantity": 0.014 }

The JSON representation above is the result of querying data from several tables using SQL joins, and then using JavaScript to hammer the data into that particular shape.

Note that it’s unlikely all the fields { "ingredient_id": 27, "ingredient_name": "olive oil", "quantity": 0.014 } come from the same table. Otherwise an ingredient could only ever be used in a fixed quantity!

Before writing any code, write out all desired tables in the data model and determine the relationships between tables.

Try to keep your design to FOUR tables. With three tables it will be hard to meet all requirements, and more than 5 is likely overkill.

Project Scaffolding

Migrations and Seeds

Data Access

Write a data access file that exports an object with the following function:


Write an endpoint to fetch a recipe by its id, using the getRecipeById(recipe_id) function.

Task 3: Stretch Goals

The representation sent to the server could look like the following:

  "recipe_name": "Spaghetti Bolognese",
  "steps": [
      "step_number": 1,
      "step_instructions": "Put a large saucepan on a medium heat",
      "step_number": 2,
      "step_instructions": "Mix eggs and ham",
      "ingredients": [
        { "ingredient_id": 27, "quantity": 2 },
        { "ingredient_id": 48, "quantity": 0.1 }